Monday, 8 September 2014

Recipe: Banana and Nutella Milkshake

 The other night, I had a craving for a cold drink but with a chocolate fix. I came up with the idea of a nutella and banana milkshake. I usually have banana and nutella as a snack sometimes anyway, so I knew the flavours worked. And I'd just bought a new smoothie maker and some ingredients so why not satisfy my tastebuds.

This recipe is so simple, you can verify it and adapt it to your tastes and needs. This milkshake literally took me one minute to prepare and make, and it was pretty delicious!

INGREDIENTSHalf a banana
2/3 tbsp of nutella (depending on how much or little chocolate you want to add)
A handful of ice cubes
200ml of milk (skimmed)
2 tbsp of Vanilla Ice Cream (optional)

METHODChop up the banana, add other ingredients into blender or smoothie maker. Use on the lowest setting for about 40/50 secs until purely blended, pour out and enjoy!

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